Steve came home last night to find pancakes on the stove with flecks of green and orange in them. I wondered how he would respond. "Pancakes!...Chicken pot pie pancakes." Whoa, he's good. He was right, and I didn't even realize that was their name.
He tended the pancakes, being a man and thus quite breakfast and spatula savvy, while I finished the salad. Things were going so well that I thought I could pull the mustard in the gravy over on him, but he knew something was amiss. I repented in dust and ashes, and promised to make him a boring mustardless gravy for leftovers tonight.
The potcakes, as he called these Chicken-Pot Pancakes, were a yummy success and I'm sure we'll be making them again. Oh, and of course I substituted TJ's whole wheat pancake mix for buttermilk pancake mix. All meals must be Nellified!